- Title: À la valdrague
- Year: 2017-2019
- Length: 24 X 26 minutes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Joël Robichaud Jean-Marc Piché
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé and Maurice André Aubin
- Language: Français
- Broadcaster(s): ARTV, Radio-Canada télévision
- Title: Cocagne de l'Acadie
- Year: 2018
- Length: 48 minutes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Albénie DeLacôte (Pierre Blanchard)
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Language: Français
- Broadcaster(s): Radio-Canada
- Distributor(s): MOZUS Productions Inc.
- Title: Agrofun
- Year: 2016
- Length: 13 x 26 minutes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Maurice André Aubin et Joël A. Robichaud
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Language: Français
- Broadcaster(s): UNIS TV
Agrofolie, est une série qui talonne Patrick Thibeault alors qu’il cherche à subvenir aux besoins alimentaires de sa petite famille.
- Title: Agrofolie 1 – 2
- Year: 2015-2016
- Length: 12 X 52 minutes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Joël Robichaud
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Language: Français
- Broadcaster(s): UNIS TV
- Title: Havrer à la Baie
- Year: 2013
- Length: 52 m 48 sec.
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Joël A Robichaud
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Language: Français
- Broadcaster(s): Radio-Canada
- Distributor(s): MOZUS Productions Inc.
C’est bien connu que le monde et les temps changent et chaque génération rêve de refaire le monde à sa façon.
- Title: Aujourd’hui on est pu en 68
- Year: 2011
- Length: 52 minutes
- Format: HD- NTSC
- Director(s): Maurice André Aubin
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Language: Français
- Broadcaster(s): Radio-Canada
- Distributor(s): MOZUS Productions Inc.
- Title: The Utrecht Seals / Les sceaux d’Utrecht
- Year: 2014
- Length: 4 X 26 minutes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Paul Bossé
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé and Maurice André Aubin
- Language: French
- Broadcaster(s): RDI, Radio-Canada télévision
- Title: Cayouche, le temps d'une bière
- Year: 2009
- Length: 52 minutes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Maurice André Aubin
- Producer(s): Maurice André Aubin and Suzette Lagacé
- Language: French
- Broadcaster(s): Société Radio-Canada Atlantique and ARTV
- Distributor(s): Mozus Productions
- Title: My Ancestors’ House / La maison des mes ancêtres
- Year: 2009
- Length: 59 minutes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Producer(s): Maurice André Aubin and Suzette Lagacé
- Language: English and French
- Broadcaster(s): TFO
- Distributor(s): Mozus Productions
- Title: Marie-Claire Blais: Illuminations / Au-delà des apparences – Portrait de Marie-Claire Blais
- Year: 2006
- Length: 60 minutes
- Format: Betacam SP
- Director(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé and François Savoie
- Language: English and French
- Broadcaster(s): TFO, BRAVO
- Distributor(s): Moving Images,
- Title: Du ‘stir’ en Acadie
- Year: 2010
- Length: 57 minutes 30 secondes
- Format: HD
- Director(s): Joël A. Robichaud
- Producer(s): Suzette Lagacé
- Language: Français
- Broadcaster(s): TFO
- Distributor(s): Mozus Productions